Speech from Qiáo xiǎo yang on 24th March, 2013
After reading “ Qiao xiaoyang’s speech at the conference on 24 March 2013 with the partial at- tendance of members from the Hong Kong Legislative Council ”, I started collecting words used in speeches from newspapers, like the way of anonymous threatening letters, as the irrefutable evidence of a general absurdity, trying to defy the subject matter from the context of the same text itself.
Original text (translate):
Anyone who is against the central government is not allowed to become chief executive. This is crucial to the design of the method for selecting a chief executive under universal suffrage. Maintaining this condition, not only preserves the country’s security and interests, but the interests of the city, citizens and investors. Hong Kong’s economic prosperity and development are always linked to the Mainland, thanks to support from the central government and other regions of China. Since Hong Kong’s handover to China, the economic partnership, and social and cultural exchanges between the two sides have become closer. Such a major and irreversible phenomenon is critical to keeping Hong Kong socially stable and economically prosperous during this turning point in its history. Think about it, if this great phenomenon is violated by appointing a chief executive who is opposed to the central government, one would expect that the relationship between the central government and Hong Kong government would become highly strained, which would unavoidably affect their close connection and even ignite serious internal conflicts in the city. If that happened, would Hong Kong still maintain its glamour as the “Pearl of the Orient”?
不能允許與中央對抗的人擔任行政長官,這是設計香港行政長官普選方案的一條底線。守住這條底 線,不只是為了國家安全和利益,從根本上講,也是為了維護香港利益,維護廣大香港同胞、投 資者的根本利益。香港的經濟繁榮與發展,從來都離不開內地,離不開中央政府和內地各地區的支 持。香港回歸以來,兩地的經貿關係、社會文化交流、人員往來越來越密切,這種不可逆轉的大 趨勢,是香港在歷史性轉折關頭繼續保持社會穩定、經濟繁榮的重要因素。試想,如果選出一個與 中央對抗的人當行政長官,與這種大勢背道而馳,大家可以預見,屆時中央與特區關係必然劍拔弩 張,香港和內地的密切聯繫必然嚴重損害,香港社會內部也必然嚴重撕裂,“東方之珠”還會風采 依然嗎?
After reading “ Qiao xiaoyang’s speech at the conference on 24 March 2013 with the partial at- tendance of members from the Hong Kong Legislative Council ”, I started collecting words used in speeches from newspapers, like the way of anonymous threatening letters, as the irrefutable evidence of a general absurdity, trying to defy the subject matter from the context of the same text itself.
Original text (translate):
Anyone who is against the central government is not allowed to become chief executive. This is crucial to the design of the method for selecting a chief executive under universal suffrage. Maintaining this condition, not only preserves the country’s security and interests, but the interests of the city, citizens and investors. Hong Kong’s economic prosperity and development are always linked to the Mainland, thanks to support from the central government and other regions of China. Since Hong Kong’s handover to China, the economic partnership, and social and cultural exchanges between the two sides have become closer. Such a major and irreversible phenomenon is critical to keeping Hong Kong socially stable and economically prosperous during this turning point in its history. Think about it, if this great phenomenon is violated by appointing a chief executive who is opposed to the central government, one would expect that the relationship between the central government and Hong Kong government would become highly strained, which would unavoidably affect their close connection and even ignite serious internal conflicts in the city. If that happened, would Hong Kong still maintain its glamour as the “Pearl of the Orient”?
不能允許與中央對抗的人擔任行政長官,這是設計香港行政長官普選方案的一條底線。守住這條底 線,不只是為了國家安全和利益,從根本上講,也是為了維護香港利益,維護廣大香港同胞、投 資者的根本利益。香港的經濟繁榮與發展,從來都離不開內地,離不開中央政府和內地各地區的支 持。香港回歸以來,兩地的經貿關係、社會文化交流、人員往來越來越密切,這種不可逆轉的大 趨勢,是香港在歷史性轉折關頭繼續保持社會穩定、經濟繁榮的重要因素。試想,如果選出一個與 中央對抗的人當行政長官,與這種大勢背道而馳,大家可以預見,屆時中央與特區關係必然劍拔弩 張,香港和內地的密切聯繫必然嚴重損害,香港社會內部也必然嚴重撕裂,“東方之珠”還會風采 依然嗎?