I care even a word and a sentence
(narrative work about me and mum)
Graduation work
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Heirloom is something, perhaps an object or family values that has been passed down for generations through family members. I try to change the traditional way ( from past generation to next generation ) of heirloom. I interpret my mother words and our memories, transform them into different small objects, and to express my gratitude to her.
(narrative work about me and mum)
Graduation work
Mixed media
Dimensions variable
Heirloom is something, perhaps an object or family values that has been passed down for generations through family members. I try to change the traditional way ( from past generation to next generation ) of heirloom. I interpret my mother words and our memories, transform them into different small objects, and to express my gratitude to her.
When mum sung chinese opera called The Fragrant Death, my father sung another version about a poor man who had not enough money to buy a bread, and scare of being scolded by his wife.
幼稚園時, 有一次練習抄寫阿拉伯數字「1」,我把「1」字寫得很筆直,結果老師懷疑我用直尺。最後媽媽為我辯護。這是我第一次感到被冤枉, 亦是第一次意識到媽媽對我的信任。
When I studied at kindergarten, I have a copy exercise of Arabic numerals “1”. I tried my best and wrote it as perfect as I can. However, my teacher suspected that I copied with a ruler. It was the first time I suffered wrongful treatment. Then my mother defended me and I sensed her trust.
大概五六歲的時候,當我在家裡感到很悶很悶的時候,會跟媽媽說: 「媽咪!真係好悶好悶啊......咩都做完 , 咩都玩完啦, 仲有咩可以做啊?」她總回答:「悶啊?斬晒d手指腳指再砌返佢啦!」
When I was around 6 years old, “ Mum! I’ve done all homework and played everything... what else can I do? ” I asked my mum when I was bored. She answered me every time, “ Bored!? Just cut all your fingers and rebuild them. ”
媽媽對電視遙控( 她會稱之為「遙遠控制」)的操作 不是太有信心,她常常很擔心會按錯掣。
She worries about pressing wrong button of the television remote.
She always say “ Ten fingers are different length”.