Learning record in an art school,I record the school.
Punching Machine, card holder Dimensions variable
我希望用這個裝置,將一貫在工作制度衍生出來的產物,變成一個自願性的紀錄行為。回來這個地方學習某程度上是一種享受,至少學習不再是我從前認為的例行工事。 而學習藝術令我明白紀錄的重要性,讓人從一個客觀的角度去審視自己。
Through this installation, a product derives from a labor system can transform to a voluntary recording action. Learning here, to a certain extent, is a kind of enjoyment. At least it is no longer a routine work as I think before. Art teaches me the importance of recording, from an objective way to look at myself.
Learning record in an art school,I record the school.
Punching Machine, card holder Dimensions variable
我希望用這個裝置,將一貫在工作制度衍生出來的產物,變成一個自願性的紀錄行為。回來這個地方學習某程度上是一種享受,至少學習不再是我從前認為的例行工事。 而學習藝術令我明白紀錄的重要性,讓人從一個客觀的角度去審視自己。
Through this installation, a product derives from a labor system can transform to a voluntary recording action. Learning here, to a certain extent, is a kind of enjoyment. At least it is no longer a routine work as I think before. Art teaches me the importance of recording, from an objective way to look at myself.